I did it again didn't I? :) I stopped writing because the busy wave hit me again. Whoever said the Arts schools aren't stressful and hectic can take back their words right now. A slight push on the fast forward button and we are at our second project, entering into March. The best part about this project is we get to curate an entire new issue of Vogue, GQ or Teen Vogue, debating between the choice of supplement or the main magazine. I am in the Vogue box to tick.
Here are some photos of our still life shoot for our fashion feature. To be honest, I am always child's play in this area but being exposed to it was amazing x I have always loved being in a studio working the lights and the camera. I need a "behind-the-scenes' lanyard to legitimate that sentence.
A few days ago, I begin to realise my liking for layout and imagery are getting stronger nowadays, wonder if that instinct will bring me to a new direction especially after receiving my grades for our first project. I got a distinction. *pops confetti* Too elated to speak. The best part of it all was doing the brand proud and also the B Master Of Couture. I also developed a fond liking towards graphic designing. Being in this course also taught me to use Photoshop progressively. Something that I have always wanted to learn so badly but never really got the chance to. I now know how to use the stamp tool, lasso and the polygonal cropping tool as well as masking. Hopefully, there will be more to learn in the remaining weeks here in London. I am learning every single day.
It's been a whirlwind of events ever since I left off from February. Industry speakers were here all the time to speak to us and I always take back something in return from all their wise and noble words. Though I know that this semester is approaching to an end, faster than I can imagine, I will try my best to update here every now and then.
Hopefully, the company I wrote into will get back to me on my cv. Working for them have always been my dream job. I can't see myself anywhere else other than running around planning events, and liaising for the business side of Fashion. My route is set. That certainly doesn't mean I won't change my mind and return to publications. My love for publication will probably never die. It's just business is really important in this century. I want to be a Business Woman ;) , one that is financially independent, have my own apartment and own a british fold cat. Also, occasionally a men to love. So that means I need to start working and saving. *YES I CAN*
I got a few direct messages and FB msges saying that this journey of mine have inspired you to chase your dreams. I'm glad to hear that but every person's journey is different so write yours in pink ink. Never stop believing, discovering and let others doubt you in what you want to do, especially the ones who dull your sparkle because they can't find theirs. Most importantly, it's never too late. x
Till the next time, signing off with love...
The White Rabbit xoxo